Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao-led movie Stree 2 is currently doing great business at the box office. The horror comedy has managed to tickle many funny bones while scaring the audience with some artistically crafted scenes. While talking about the movie, Kapoor also revealed that she doesn’t watch horror movies. The actress also admitted being terrified by her own character in the Amar Kaushik movie.
During an interview with The Lallantop, Shraddha Kapoor was asked about her favorite horror film. To which she replied that she doesn’t watch horror films but does horror comedies like Stree 2. Having said that, she added that if she ever gets a really good script, she would like to be a part of that film.
Further on, in the same interview, the Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar actress revealed that in her recently released movie, when something happens to her character’s face, she gets terrified. She demonstrated how she would watch herself on the big screen with her ear and face half covered. “I get scared a lot from horror films,” she exclaimed. Having said that, she did share that the 2018 American horror film Hereditary is a horror movie that gave her chills.
As she shared more about the blockbuster hit film that’s going strong in theatres, Kapoor also opened up about having heard about real-life horror incidents. She stated that while she hasn’t experienced any paranormal activity herself, he has heard several horror stories. Sharing about a childhood incident, Shraddha Kapoor divulged that she along with her friends in the colony created this story that there’s a ghost in a house on the premises.
However, she stated that even though they had created this narrative when they actually went inside that house, they saw everything in bits and pieces. Additionally, they also found multiple beautiful tiny dolls all over. That’s when they freaked out thinking that there might be actual ghosts in the home.
Directed by Amar Kaushik, the movie also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Aparshakti Khurana in key roles. Penned by Niren Bhatt, it’s the sequel to the 2018 movie, Stree.