Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao in the lead, wreaks havoc in the advance sales. The horror-comedy directed by Amar Kaushik is set for a mammoth start at the box office, thanks to the unprecedented response in its pre-sales. As of August 13, Stree 2 has sold 2.1 lakh tickets in the top three national chains – PVRInox and Cinepolis- and that too, only for the opening day. The makers are also organizing paid previews a day before its release, for which it has sold another around 58,000 to 60,000 tickets.
Stree 2 sold 2.7 lakh tickets with a day to go, targets Rs 40 crore opening
The much-awaited horror-comedy drama is just a day away from its release. The movie has already sold 2.7 lakh tickets in the top multiplex chains, including the paid previews on August 14. Keeping its sensational trend on record, Stree 2 is heading for a final advance booking of 3.5 to 4 lakh tickets in PVRInox and Cinepolis.
The Maddock Films’ production venture is eyeing a bumper opening of Rs 40 crore, including the paid previews. However, the number might go ahead too if the on-the-spot booking is flooded at the ticket counter.
Watch Stree 2 Trailer
Stree 2 shows potential of being one of the highest-grossing Hindi films of 2024
Stree 2 is behaving like a solo release in a three-way clash, aiming to become one of the highest-grossing Hindi films in 2024. As of now, Fighter and Kalki 2898 AD hold the top two positions in the Hindi markets. If the horror-comedy meets with a superlative audience response and positive word of mouth, it has the potential to hit the Rs 300 crore mark, too.
The Shraddha Kapoor movie will likely face capacity issues on the opening day. Other Independence Day releases, Vedaa and Khel Khel Mein are likely to occupy 40-50% of screens in the North, while Mr. Bachchan, Thangalaan, and Double Ismart will hold over the South circuits. However, things will ease out as the days go by.