Mr And Mrs Mahi, directed by Sharan Sharma and starring Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor, saw a dramatic increase in its advance bookings on the last day and closed with a total sale of 2.15 lakh tickets in top national chains like PVRInox and Cinepolis. Apart from this, it also sold around 6300 tickets in MovieMax. The Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor film has made most of the Cinema Lovers Day where tickets are priced at a flat rate of Rs 99 in standard formats.
Mr And Mrs Mahi Sells 2.15 Lakh Tickets In Top National Chains; Targets A Very Good Opening Of Rs 7 Crores
Mr And Mrs Mahi has registered the highest advances for a Hindi film in 2024 in terms of tickets sold. It is all set for a very good start at the box office of Rs 6-8 crores and with the momentum that the film gains, the opening weekend can perhaps even hit Rs 20 crores. Mr And Mrs Mahi is a film that was contemplated to directly release on digital. For it to be on course to not just do reasonable numbers but good or very good numbers is an achievement that everyone associated to the film should take pride in.
Mr And Mrs Mahi Shows That Audiences Are Ready To Visit Theatres If Tickets Are Priced Right
Mr And Mrs Mahi has definitely again proven that the audiences don’t mind paying a visit to the theatres if the films are priced right. On Cinema Lovers Day, atleast 10 lakh individuals are going to pay a visit to the theatres and this is with no big star film in the mix of things. One would hope that with this movie, exhibitors, distributors and producers take ticket prices seriously. In the end, it is all about how many individuals you are able to engage.
The movies with the highest tickets sold in advance for the opening day in national chains for 2024 are as follows:
1. Mr And Mrs Mahi – 2.15 lakh tickets at Rs 99
2. Fighter – 1.45 lakh tickets
3. Article 370 – 1.25 lakh tickets at Rs 99
4. Bade Miyan Chote Miyan – 1.03 lakh tickets***
5. Shaitaan – 81.5 thousand tickets
Watch the Mr And Mrs Mahi Trailer
About Mr And Mrs Mahi
Mr And Mrs Mahi is a movie centered around a couple that is united by their love for cricket. Mr Mahi, who is a trained cricketer, is unable to continue pursuing cricket due to family pressure and continuous failures. When he sees that his wife is not just passionate about cricket but also very good at it, he decides to coach her and make her play for the national team. Not too long later, Mrs Mahi releases that Mr Mahi has his own selfish reasons to make her play cricket at the highest level. To know what happens later, you need to watch Mr And Mrs Mahi in theatres.
Mr And Mrs Mahi In Theatres
Mr And Mrs Mahi plays at a theatre near you from the 31st of May, 2024. Tickets for the movie can be booked now.