Priyanka Chopra, renowned for her talent and versatility, has not only made a significant impact in Bollywood but has also left her mark in Hollywood. The actress, who is married to Nick Jonas, demonstrates unwavering support for her husband and his brothers, often seen attending their concerts. Recently, she attended their concert in Oklahoma, where her heartwarming gesture towards a young fan has captured the internet’s attention. Chopra kindly facilitated the delivery of gifts that the fan had brought for the musicians, showcasing her generosity and compassion.
Priyanka Chopra delivers a young fan’s bracelets to Jonas Brothers
A heartwarming moment unfolded during a Jonas Brothers concert in Oklahoma, captured by a woman who shared it on her Twitter handle. In the video, her daughter, adorned with numerous bracelets, is approached by Priyanka Chopra. The little girl generously offers three bracelets to Chopra, requesting her to pass them on to Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas, and Joe Jonas.
The woman also shared a screenshot from the Jonas Brothers’ Instagram stories of a picture originally posted by Chopra, confirming that they received the bracelets. Expressing her gratitude, she captioned the post, “Thank you @priyankachopra for keeping your promise. She will never forget this and I will forever be grateful for you being so sweet and kind to her! You left a huge impression and again made her love the boys even more. @jonasbrothers.”
Take a look:
The mother of the young girl was deeply touched by the Dostana actress’s kindness, expressing her gratitude with a heartfelt message on Instagram as well. She wrote, “Thank you so much @priyankachopra for making my daughter’s night! We are so blessed you showed up! @nickjonas you have such a caring and loving wife!”
Check it out:
Another video making waves on social media features the Desi Girl, fully immersed in the concert atmosphere, letting loose and grooving to the music. She looks absolutely breathtaking in a stunning attire, exuding grace and elegance as she enjoys the moment to the fullest.
Priyanka Chopra’s work front
Priyanka Chopra’s recent endeavors include her role in the film Love Again and the web series Citadel, where she stars alongside Richard Madden and Stanley Tucci. Additionally, she was set to join Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa, a project also featuring Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif. However, in a recent interview with Variety, the director disclosed that the project has encountered delays due to scheduling issues.