The government’s Department of Consumer Affairs under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution has extended mandatory gold hallmarking to 343 Indian districts as part of its efforts to ensure gold purity and protect consumer interests.
The DoCA has reported a 15% increase in the number of hallmarking registrations from 160,866 to 184,296 since April 2023, the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council announced on its website. The DoCA also announced that the number of Bureau of Indian Standards Assaying and Hallmarking Centres have increased by 7% from 1,403 to 1,499 during the same time period.
From April 2023 to November 2023, the DoCA reported that 10.39 crore articles of gold and silver jewellery and artefacts have been hallmarked. The online system for automating the assaying and hallmarking work at Assaying and Hallmarking Centres, which first launched in July 2021, reached a total of 30.54 crore articles of gold jewellery and artefacts being hallmarked by November 25, 2023.
The DoCA continues to provide central assistance to numerous Assaying and Hallmarking Centres to set up indifferent locations. The organisation has also provided a training programme for Bureau of Indian Standards officers to ameliorate their skills under the under the Plan Scheme for Hallmarking.
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