Cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni and his wife Sakshi have stepped into the South as producers under their banner Dhoni Productions. As their first Tamil film LGM is gearing up for grand this week, in a recent media interaction, Sakshi was asked if she will work with top stars like Prabhas, Allu Arjun, Ram Charan, and others. And her reply has caught major attention on the Internet.Â
Sakshi Dhoni said she doesn’t have money when asked if she will work as a producer with stars like Prabhas, Pawan Kalyan, and others. During the recently held promotional event of LGM in Hyderabad, a journalist asked producer Sakshi if Dhoni Entertainments has planned any movies with Prabhas, Pawan Kalyan or other stars. She replied, “Arey they have big budgets, big salary, and package I will have to pay them. Right now, I’m just starting off, this is my first. Let me make my ground, let me do my foundation work.”
Sakshi also revealed that she is a fan of Allu Arjun, “So growing up, I watched all Allu Arjun movies, and I’m a huge huge fan,” revealed Sakshi Dhoni, to the excitement of the Pushpa star’s fans.Â
MS Dhoni’s wife Sakshi opens up about working with Prabhas, Pawan Kalyan
About Let’s Get Married
Let’s Get Married aka LGM is a bilingual film, helmed by Ramesh Thamilmani. Sakshi Dhoni conceptualized the film. The movie features Harish Kalyan, Ivana, and Nadhiya in lead roles. According to reports, MS Dhoni might be seen in a cameo role. However, there’s no official confirmation on the same. Yogi Babu and Mirchi Vijay will be seen in supporting roles. LGM is scheduled to release on July 28. But it is said that the Telugu release has been postponed for a week to avoid a clash with Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam’s Tej Bro. LGM will now release in Telugu on August 4.Â