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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The apps that will make your photos pop

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The term influencer has been around since the 1600s. Since that time it has basically meant someone who has a prominent enough position to influence others. An example could be “Derek and Sandra are not in charge of the office but they are key influencers”. Yet since 2015, the word has grown in popularity and taken on a new meaning. Today an influencer is someone on Instagram or TikTok who uses their successful social media position to influence their followers to buy some product or service that they have been paid to advertise. If you want to be an influencer the first place to start is by having high-quality content. If your pictures look low grade then no matter how many followers you have no company is going to want you sharing their products. To do that the top influencers use a wide range of editing software. While you likely don’t have the same budget as them, you need to start somewhere. Here are our favorite low-cost applications that can help you edit those photos and start picking up some more followers on your journey to becoming a top influencer. 

Photoshop Express

This is a fantastic app because it is free. Many photo editing applications charge a fee but Photoshop Express doesn’t which makes it a popular choice. The standout functions of the application are the wide range of filters it offers and the effects you can use. While Instagram and other applications come fully loaded with their own filters, everyone is used to them by now so you need to look around to find something unique. The effects are the stand out function though. Effects like steam lines, double exposure, and mirroring are all used widely by influencers and can all be easily done using this app. 


One of the most annoying things about putting a picture up on the popular social media application is trying to fit your amazing picture in their sizing squares without losing some of the key parts. InstaSize can help out here as it allows your photo to fit the Instagram story size instead of the standard app square. It has a number of background options too which is what we commonly see the influencers using.


If you are willing to spend a little money on an application then we think Camera+ is the right choice. It is only 99 cent so it won’t exactly break the bank and the additional features it offers is likely worth it. It is basically Photoshop in app form. You can crop images, straighten them, sharpen them, or play with the color and vibrancy. The app also has a bunch of frames to choose from. An app like this can really prove the difference in helping you lift your influencer game.

These are three of our favorite applications to help with editing photos on your mobile. While the idea of the influencer has dramatically changed in the last five years it is only going to become more popular in years to come. Instagram made some changes to its platform to stop advertising how many likes a post was getting but this was not aimed at influencers, as it still shows them how many likes they get privately, it was aimed at social bullying and anxiety. Social media anxiety is a very real concern for people today and if you find that you place too much emphasis on whether your post gets enough likes or not then take a break from social media. A few days away from the app will allow you to realize how silly these applications are and to remember one important thing: your life is worth so much more.

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