Shah Rukh Khan, the Baadshah of Bollywood, rules the hearts of many. Not just his fans, but also his co-stars, speak highly of his generosity and kindness. Recently, veteran actor Pramod Pathak talked about his experience working with Khan in Raees and revealed that despite being a star, Khan’s only focus is on his work.
Pramod Pathak worked with Shah Rukh Khan in Rahul Dholakia’s Raees. In the film, he was seen playing the role of Gujarat’s Chief Minister. During a recent conversation on the AR Discovery Podcast, the veteran actor talked about his experience of working on the film. He recalled giving 3-4 screen tests for the role before he was finalized.
The actor praises King Khan, stating that people might presume that Shah Rukh Khan is a superstar, so he is bound to have a lot of air and must be intimidating. “But he is a very simple man. He comes on set in his character. His only focus is on his work,” said Pramod.
He further continued by recalling how the King actor never made him feel that he was a superstar. The actor revealed that they easily discussed if they liked each other’s scenes. The Raees co-star mentioned it was easy to work with him as he would take suggestions and also share his opinion. “He didn’t have any ego or star attitude. It was just like two characters are working together,” he further added.
The Mirzapur actor shared that it wasn’t like they were engaging in conversations. Rather, they would rehearse their scenes before shooting and bounce back. Pathak admitted being told how people often get nervous in front of King Khan because of his ‘superstar status’. However, he didn’t feel anything like that, and it was a smooth shoot that happened quite easily with the superstar.
Calling it a ‘great experience’ working with SRK, the veteran actor stated that he didn’t have any ego or star attitude. “It was just like two characters are working together,” he said.
Directed by Rahul Dholakia, Raees featured Shah Rukh Khan, Mahira Khan, and Nawazuddin Siddiqui in the lead roles. The film was released during the Republic Day weekend in 2017.