Parvathy Thiruvothu was recently seen in a chat with Indian author Arundhati Roy during the Wayanad Literature Festival. During their talk session, the actress was asked by the latter whether young male actors in Malayalam cinema were offering any support to the ongoing scenarios.
In her response, the Thangalaan actress revealed that she considers the younger generation of male actors in Malayalam cinema to be worse than the older generation. She continued by stating that while there is not much difference between the younger and older generations, the latter is more committed to the patriarchal system and misogyny.
However, what bothers the actress more is the young generation of actors’ apathy towards everything happening in the industry. The actress commented, “They can clearly see what is happening around them. Some young actors in the industry are frustrated because they are not receiving the same benefits that the older generation enjoyed.”
Moving ahead with the conversation, Parvathy also spoke about how many high-budget films in the industry still glorify “alpha-male” characters and patriarchal ideas. The actress stated that such films are being made to bring back hyper-masculine characters and outdated notions of women.
She even clarified that earlier, she used to worry about whether she’d have to work with such actors, but now, it no longer bothers her.
Parvathy was last seen playing the lead role in the film Her, a Malayalam anthology movie featuring an ensemble cast that included Urvashi, Aishwarya Rajesh, Remya Nambeesan, and Lijomol Jose in lead roles. The film focused on narrating the stories of five women from various backgrounds and age groups, highlighting their personal and professional lives.
Her was released on November 29, 2024, directly on the OTT platform ManoramaMAX.