Jawan starring Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara was finally released on September 7, 2023. Atlee’s directorial has been receiving praise from fans, as well as critics, for its powerful action-packed sequence, strong dialogues, and amazing performances. A special screening for Jawan was held in Mumbai on September 7 and the cast of the film along with other Bollywood celebrities were present. A while ago, Ashlesha Thaakur who played the role of the daughter of Vijay Sethupathi in Jawan shared pictures with Shah Rukh Khan, Atlee, and others from the special screening. On the other hand, Deepika Padukone posed with soldier-actor Sangay Tsheltrim. He was also a part of the film.
Ashlesha Thaakur drops PIC with Shah Rukh Khan from Jawan screening
A while ago, Ashlesha Thaakur took to her Instagram and shared photos from the special screening of Jawan. The actress posed with Shah Rukh Khan, Atlee, and others inside the theater. Sharing the pictures, Ashlesha wrote, “#jawan #jawangirls” and added a white heart emoji. She was seen flashing her bright smile while posing with SRK, Atlee, and others.
Have a look:
Deepika Padukone poses with Sangay Tsheltrim
During the special screening, Deepika Padukone posed with the actor Sangay Tsheltrim who is also a soldier. The actor was also a part of Jawan. Sharing the picture on his X account (formerly Twitter), Sangay wrote, “So happy to be part of the record breaking movie #jawan alongside super stars. Thank you @deepikapadukone for visiting our country Bhutan, the land of happiness. #jawan #kingkhan #srk.”
Have a look:
For the unversed, the Jawan fever took over the country ahead of its release as Kolkata, Bihar got its first shows at 5 a.m. After the release, the theaters got an almost stadium-like ambiance as fans cheered for SRK and the film loudly and celebrated Jawan’s release by cutting cake, holding banners, and organizing special fan projects.
SRK took to Twitter and thanked everyone for pouring in their love for the film.
Meanwhile, Jawan is directed by the popular South director Atlee, who made his Bollywood directorial debut with the movie. The film is regarded as one of the blockbusters in the history of Indian cinema. The film was released in three languages – Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. The cast of the film also stars Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, Yogi Babu, and Ridhi Dogra in key roles. Deepika Padukone who made a special appearance in the film earned appreciation for her role.