Ranbir Kapoor led revenge action drama, Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga and co-starring Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna and Bobby Deol among many others has been postponed. The film was scheduled to release on the 11th of August, 2023, coinciding with the Independence Day weekend but it will no longer be releasing on the said date. An official statement from the makers of the film will be out within a week’s time.
Animal Will Be Releasing Later In 2023
Animal is among the most anticipated Indian films of the year. The film presents Ranbir Kapoor in a never seen before rugged avatar. A pre-teaser of the film was released not too long back where Ranbir Kapoor’s character took on dozens of golden-masked men. While the reason for the postponement of Animal is still not known, it is speculated to release some time in December. We don’t confirm a December release but that’s what Team Animal is considering. The makers will give an official date when they confirm about the postponement of their film. The team of Animal had a few meetings over the last couple of weeks and they finally came to a decision to postpone their film to a later date.
The Independence Day Weekend Is Still Very Crowded With 4 Major Releases From Different Movie Industries
Animal was set to release on  11th August, 2023. August 11 is the most sought after movie date with several big films releasing. Other films releasing over the Independence Day weekend include Gadar 2: The Katha Continues, OMG 2, Jailer and Bhola Shankar.
Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates on Animal.
ALSO READ:Â EXCLUSIVE: Animal is father son story; Spirit a cop drama: Bhushan Kumar on Ranbir Kapoor & Prabhas film