Amazon India will launch the second edition of its flagship beauty sale event ‘The Beauty Sale’ on July 22. The online sale will run until July 26 and is designed to drive sales by offering up to 70% off products by over 250 cosmetics and personal care brands.
“We are delighted to unveil the second edition of Amazon’s ‘The Beauty Sale,’– a one-stop-shop for our valued customers to celebrate themselves and experience the joy of beauty and self-care in their lives,” said Amazon India’s director of beauty, personal care, and luxury beauty Zeba Khan in a press release. “From exquisite skincare treasures and opulent makeup essentials to luxurious fragrances from around the world, we have curated an exceptional selection that caters to diverse preferences, the needs of the Indian consumer and amplifies the confidence of our customers.”
The online sale is powered by Maybelline and will feature both luxury and mass market brands from India and abroad. These will include L’Oréal Professionnel, Kama Ayurveda, Colorbar, Lakmé, MyGlamm, Swiss Beauty, Renée Cosmetics, and Biotique among others.
“This edition of ‘The Beauty Sale’ is not merely a shopping extravaganza, but a testament to our commitment in elevating the beauty landscape for all with a wide selection of products, convenience and value, ensuring that no one is left untouched by the transformative power of self-care and self-expression,” said Khan.
With over 8,000 deals on offer, Amazon India’s beauty sale will also include the business’ ‘Global Beauty Store’ this edition. The store launched in May this year and highlights international luxury brands including Anomaly Haircare, Freeman Beauty, Narciso Rodriguez, and Caudalie among others.
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