Anil Kapoor has been associated with the Indian film industry for decades. In his career spanning decades, the National Award-winning actor has delivered many iconic performances and worked in close to 100 films. But before getting his big break, the senior actor worked as a casting director for Shabana Azmi and Mithun Chakraborty’s 1980 film, Hum Paanch. As the film completed 44 years, the actor penned a nostalgic note. Read on!
Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor made his Hindi film debut with a minor role in the 1979 movie, Hamare Tumhare. He got his big break in a Telugu film in 1980. The same year, the veteran Bollywood actor appeared in Ek Baar Kaho and Hum Paanch. While he has a cameo appearance in Hum Paanch, Kapoor also worked as the casting director for this masterpiece.
On January 9, 2025, the Fighter actor took to his Instagram Stories and dropped unseen glimpses from the sets of the action film, directed by Sattiraju Lakshminarayana aka Bapu. As the movie completed 44, Kapoor recalled being honored to be the casting director in it.
In his note, the actor expressed, “It’s been 44 years since the release of Hum Paanch! A film close to my heart, as I had the honor of being the casting director for this masterpiece. Directed by the legendary Mr. Bapu and produced under our banner, S.K. Films, it remains a milestone in Indian cinema.”
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For the unknown, Hum Paanch was the debut venture of Anil’s brother Boney Kapoor as a producer. The entertainer featured actors like Sanjeev Kumar, Shabana Azmi, Mithun Chakraborty, Nasiruddin Shah, Raj Babbar, and Amrish Puri. It also marked the film debut of actor Gulshan Grover. Meanwhile, on the work front, Anil Kapoor will be next seen in War 2 and Alpha.