Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapur make one lovely pair in Bollywood who prefer to keep their private lives away from media attention. As the couple celebrates their wedding anniversary, let’s give a throwback to the moment when the actress was like every other wife, stating she would never work with her producer husband. Vidya Balan explained that she wouldn’t be able to negotiate with him and that they would end up fighting.Â
In a previous interview with Anupama Chopra, the actress was asked whether she plans to work with her husband, Siddharth, who is a popular film producer. In her reply, The Dirty Picture actress quickly refused the possibility.Â
She explained how blending personal and professional relationships would be tricky and said, “It’s too much.” Balan further explained that whenever she comes across a problem with a director or producer, she can argue with them to resolve it. However, the same can’t happen with Kapur because she feels it would always lead to a fight, referring to the nature of their relationship.Â
“When it’s so personal, I think because I can fight with Siddharth, I’ll end up fighting with him,” Vidya said.
The actress further noted that she values the sanctity of her marriage and doesn’t intend to draw professional conflicts between them. She also admitted that there had been instances when they had to let go of some scripts to avoid clashes back at home.Â
Giving an amusing take to her answer, Balan highlighted that she won’t be able to negotiate money with her husband and doesn’t want to get into it.Â
Vidya also recalled an incident from when they were dating during the making of her film Ghanchakkar co-satrring Farhan Akhtar. At the time, she had to work with Siddharth when situations often became difficult between them, and it gave her the lesson to not mingle work within their bond.
She recalled, ” I called up Ronnie and said that I want to leave, and he said he would make sure I wouldn’t have to see him during work. In this profession, you can lose objectivity because we work so closely.”
Vidya, known for her candid opinions, said that her relationship with her husband was too precious for her. Consequently, they have thoughtfully separated their professional and personal lives.
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