Amitabh Bachchan took to his X (formerly Twitter) account and re-shared a post from his son Abhishek Bachchan’s fan page. In the video, The I Want To Talk actor discusses how it takes courage to show resilience in this generation. In response, Big B penned an appreciation note for Abhishek’s role in Shoojit Sircar’s movie and expressed his admiration, stating that he is filled with profound pride, saying, ‘Tum bahut acche ho’ (You are very good).”
Amitabh Bachchan‘s post read, “profound and filled with merit .. your humanity and your departure from any vanity as an actor in I WANT TO TALK, is what makes you superior !! ईश्वर कृपा, दादा जी दादी का आशीर्वाद, और पूरे परिवार का स्नेह और प्यार, सदा ! अच्छाई का परिणाम अच्छा होता है ! और तुम बहुत अच्छे हो.” (With God’s grace, the blessings of Grandpa and Grandma, and the love and affection of the entire family, always! Goodness brings good results! And you are very good.)
See Big B’s X post here:
In the video, Abhishek Bachchan reflected on his creative journey, stating that there comes a point when one feels the desire to make a meaningful impact. He mentioned that this realization is often followed by the urge to create something inspirational, both for oneself and others.
Speaking about I Want To Talk, he shared that when the script came his way, he instantly recognized its significance—not because of the character’s charm, but due to their resilience.
He emphasized the importance of showcasing the value of resilience, especially in today’s generation, which he described as focused on instant gratification. Abhishek highlighted how modern society tends to prioritize immediate results, citing habits like constantly checking updates on social media platforms and quickly moving on when things don’t go as planned.
Helmed by Shoojit Sircar, I Want To Talk stars Pearle Dey, Ahilya Bambroo, Jayant Kripalani, Kristin Goddard, and Johny Lever in key roles. The film is inspired by the true story of an NRI, a cancer survivor, who is a close friend of the director. It delves into the journey of a single father as he navigates the challenges of his evolving relationship with his daughter from her early years.
The movie is now playing in theaters.