Indian fans were in for a treat as Global sensation Dua Lipa performed in Mumbai on the night of Saturday, November 30, 2024. Videos of her electrifying performance went viral, and a highlight from the show was Dua singing the popular mashup of her song Levitating with Shah Rukh Khan’s Woh Ladki Jo, which sent fans into a frenzy.
In a video from her concert, Dua Lipa was seen performing her song ‘Levitating’ on the stage with her team. However, soon, the audience was left surprised when they realized it was a mashup song that included a collaboration with SRK’s track.
Take a look:
The wonderful mashup performance by Dua during her show set the internet abuzz. Fans were immediately hooting and delighted about it, and it’s no surprise that Lipa has often shared her admiration for Bollywood’s King of Romance multiple times.
In an interview with Times Of India, she admired the superstar and praised the mashup, saying, “I was blown away when I first heard the mashup. It was amazing.” Also, when she was quizzed about her favorite actor in Hindi Cinema, she quickly pointed out Khan as the one.
For those unaware, the mashup of Levitating and SRK’s evergreen song in Woh Ladki Jo was made by fans and gradually became popular. It is a strong example of how Indian music can beautifully mix with global music.
It’s not the first time when Dua has visited India. In her last visit in 2019, she met the Pathaan actor, who himself shared a picture of their meeting and wished her luck. Dua Lipa arrived in India before her concert on November 28, 2024, with her boyfriend, Callum Turner.
The same day, she was spotted having dinner with him at a restaurant, where they got mobbed by the paparazzi, yet she maintained a calm demeanor. Meanwhile, celebrities like Radhika Merchant, Anand Piramal, Ranvir Shorey, and Namrata Shirodkar also attended her concert.