The handsome hunk of Bollywood, Arjun Kapoor worked in multiple movies as an assistant director before making his acting debut with the romantic-drama film Ishaqzaade, back in 2012. Directed by Habib Faisal and produced by Aditya Chopra, the movie became one of the biggest hits of his career. In a video that’s now going viral, it was revealed that Kapoor bagged his first movie based on his first audition. It also has a connection with the actor’s uncle Anil Kapoor. Read on to know more!
Arjun Kapoor bagged his debut movie by mimicking his chacha Anil Kapoor
A while ago, a video of Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh from an old episode of Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee With Karan went viral on Reddit. In the clip, the two stars shared the couch with the casting director of Yash Raj Films (YRF). She went back in time and recalled talking to Aditya Chopra about Arjun coming to audition for the lead role. When asked how she convinced Chopra, the celebrity revealed that the actor bagged the role based on his first audition.
Sharing what impressed the producer about the Gunday star, she said, “But actually, the thing that impressed Adi the most was Arjun’s impersonation of his chacha. So, he did the whole scene like Anil Kapoor and he imitated Salman.” On hearing this, KJo got excited and asked Kapoor to recreate the same scene he did in the audition. Like a sportsman, Arjun mimicked Anil Kapoor. He said in the clip, “Anil uncle would be like ‘Chaiwala, what a player!’ (copies Anil’s style) And I can’t say the other abusive words. You know what words Anil uncle uses, right?” the video concludes.
Arjun Kapoor’s work front
After the success of his first movie, Arjun went on to star in films like Gunday, 2 States, Half Girlfriend, Ki & Ka, and others, all of which became a commercial success. He was recently seen in The Lady Killer last year. The actor will be next seen in the film Meri Patni Ka Remake followed by Rohit Shetty’s action movie Singham Again.
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