The first notable release of 2024 for Hindi audiences at the box office, Merry Christmas, released in theatres on the 12th of January, coinciding with the Makar Sankranti weekend. The opening day collections of the romantic-thriller, Merry Christmas, are in the vicinity of Rs 2-2.25 crores nett and these are underwhelming numbers for a film led by Katrina Kaif. HanuMan (Hindi) took a delightful start of Rs 2-2.25 crores nett and going by what we have seen of devotional films in the past at the Hindi box office, one can expect exponential growth in the days to follow.
Merry Christmas And HanuMan (Hindi) Take An Identical Start; Good For HanuMan But Bad For Merry Christmas
HanuMan (Hindi) was an underdog in the Hindi markets to start off but with an opening identical to that of Merry Christmas, it has set itself up for some big box office days ahead. The film is already rocking the Telugu box office and the Hindi market that is generally late to join the party, may end up being its greatest contributor too, especially with no major releases until Fighter.
Merry Christmas Leads In Top National Chains While HanuMan Leads In Mass Pockets
Merry Christmas is leading the collections in plexes while HanuMan (Hindi) is better in the mass belts. The Katrina Kaif–Vijay Sethupathi film netted Rs 1.33 crores in PVRInox and Cinepolis while the Teja Sajja led devotional epic netted Rs 85 lakhs. The advance bookings for HanuMan are better than Merry Christmas for day 2 and that’s how it is expected to be for the rest of the run. Merry Christmas has got acclaim but since it is catering to a niche set of audience, it becomes extremely difficult to breakout. HanuMan is based on a universal theme and no number is big enough if sentiments resonate with the audience.
Have a look at the day 1 box office collection of Merry Christmas
Day | Nett Hindi Collections |
1 | Rs 2-2.25 crores |
Total | Rs 2.15 crores |
Have a look at the day 1 box office collection of HanuMan (Hindi)
Day | Nett Hindi Collections |
1 | Rs 2 – 2.25 crores |
Total | Rs 2.15 crores |
Watch the Merry Christmas and HanuMan (Hindi) Trailer
The trailer of Merry Christmas is thrilling and exciting. The characters of Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi are weirdly fascinating.
The trailer of HanuMan (Hindi) is action packed. The story looks ambitious
About Merry Christmas And HanuMan (Hindi)
On Christmas Eve, an uneventful day turns the world of two individuals (Katrina Kaif, Vijay Sethupathi) upside down.
The protagonist (Teja Sajja) gets the powers of Hanuman and fights the evils for Anjanadri, an imaginary place.
Merry Christmas and HanuMan (Hindi) Release Details
Both Merry Christmas and HanuMan (Hindi) have released in theatres on 12th January, 2024, coinciding with the auspicious festival of Makar Sankranti. The tickets for both the films can be purchased from the box office or through online modes.