It was a busy week with Animal and Sam Bahadur releasing in theatres. Animal directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga and starring Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, Tripti Dimri and Bobby Deol is wrecking havoc at the box office with a first week of around Rs 290 crores nett, the 7th day collections coming in the range of Rs 23 – 24 crores. Sam Bahadur directed by Meghna Gulzar and starring Vicky Kaushal, Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh added a reasonable Rs 3 crores to its tally that is now slightly over Rs 38 crores.
Animal Had An Insane First Week Of Rs 290 Crores In Hindi, With 23 Crores Coming On Day 7
Animal recorded the third best collections for an outright Hindi film in Hindi after Jawan and Pathaan for its first week. The way the Ranbir Kapoor starrer trends over the second week will give an idea of how much it is expected to do in its lifetime. It is the fourth all time blockbuster for the Hindi Film Industry this year after Pathaan, Jawan and Gadar 2. Animal’s box office numbers have come despite its A certification and 3 hour and 22 minute long runtime. The dubbed versions are expected to add close to Rs 50 crores in the full run which is simply marvellous.
Sam Bahadur Put Up A Decent Show Despite The Animal Wave
Sam Bahadur has been largely overshadowed by the Animal wave but the truth is that it has managed to put up decent collections. The Vicky Kaushal starrer is on its way to collect around Rs 60 crores nett in its full run which is an average result given its budget but good given that it clashed with Animal. The Hindi Box Office has never been at a better position and now it is upto Dunki to end the year on a high.
The Day Wise Nett India Collection Of Animal In Hindi Is As Under
Day | India Nett Collections |
1 | Rs 52 crores |
2 | Rs 57 crores |
3 | Rs 61 crores |
4 | Rs 38 crores |
5 | Rs 32.50 crores |
6 | Rs 26 crores |
7 | Rs 23.5 crores |
Total | Rs 290 crores nett in 7 days in Hindi |
The Day Wise Nett India Collection Of Sam Bahadur Is As Under
Day | India Nett Collection |
1 | Rs 6 crores |
2 | Rs 8.75 crores |
3 | Rs 10.25 crores |
4 | Rs 3.50 crores |
5 | Rs 3.50 crores |
6 | Rs 3.25 crores |
7 | Rs 3 crores |
Total | Rs 38.25 crores nett in 7 days |
Watch the Animal and Sam Bahadur trailers
About Animal And Sam Bahadur
A son (Ranbir Kapoor) undergoes a remarkable transformation as the bond with his father (Anil Kapoor) begins to fracture, and he becomes consumed by a quest for vengeance
Sam Bahadur takes audiences through the life of Sam Manekshaw, who was the Chief of the Army Staff during the Indo-Pakistan war of 1971, and the first Indian Army Officer to become Field Marshal.
When And Where To Watch Animal And Sam Bahadur
Animal and Sam Bahadur now play at a theatre near you. The tickets for the film can be booked at the box office or from movie ticketing applications.
ALSO READ: Animal Opening Week Box Office: Ranbir Kapoor’s film collects Rs 290 crore; 3rd biggest of all time