Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone starring action film Fighter is one of the most anticipated Bollywood films of the year 2024. The Siddharth Anand directorial has been garnering a lot of buzz since the announcement of the film and post-releasing some posters. Today, the makers revealed the first look of Hrithik from the film which gained a lot of praise on social media. Now, a while ago, Indian film director Sujoy Ghosh made a post on his X (formerly known as Twitter) and revealed that he had seen the teaser of the film and gave a sneak peek into it which doubled the anticipation for Fighter.
Sujoy Ghosh reveals he saw Fighter teaser
A while ago, Sujoy Ghosh took to his X (Twitter) and reshared Siddharth Anand’s post where he shared Hrithik Roshan‘s look from Fighter. Giving a sneak peek into the teaser of the film, Sujoy wrote, “i’ve also seen the teaser. dil thaam ke baitho…. @justSidAnand.” Take a look:
Speaking about Hrithik’s poster, the actor took to Instagram and shared a poster from the film featuring him wearing an Air Force uniform in his role as Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania aka Patty. The caption read, “Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania. Call Sign: Patty. Designation: Squadron Pilot Unit: Air Dragons. Fighter Forever #Fighter #FighterOn25thJan.”
On the other hand, Pinkvilla exclusively learned that Fighter will be the first Hrithik Roshan film to release in 3D. According to sources close to the development, Siddharth Anand has mounted Fighter to make it an unforgettable theatrical experience. “It’s an aerial action entertainer designed for a big screen experience and the idea is to transport the audience into the world of this adrenaline thumping film. Fighter will release in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D on the eve of India’s 75th Republic Day – January 25, 2024,” revealed a source to us.
“Siddharth wants to take things a notch higher with Fighter and the premium format in addition to the usual release in 2D is a step in that direction. The background score and music has also been conditioned for the Atmos & IMAX format giving a holistic theatrical experience,” the source added.
For Deepika, Fighter would be the second feature film to release in the 3D and IMAX 3D format, after Padmavat.
Meanwhile, Fighter will be released on Jaunary 25, 2024.