Ranbir Kapoor is currently preparing for the much-anticipated release of his upcoming film, Animal. The trailer and music album have already been unveiled, building excitement as the movie's premiere in theaters draws near. Amid his hectic schedule promoting the film, Ranbir was spotted at Mumbai airport. What caught attention was the intriguing detail that a song from Animal was playing on a loop in Ranbir's playlist.
Ranbir Kapoor has Animal song on his playlist as he gets clicked heading for promotions
Early on Sunday, November 26, the paparazzi caught Ranbir Kapoor in their lenses as he navigated through the Mumbai airport. The actor effortlessly pulled off a casual ensemble, donning a white t-shirt paired with a stylish blue printed shirt and gray pants. Adding a touch of flair, he wore sunglasses and a beanie.
Surrounded by a swarm of admirers outside the airport, one enthusiastic fan couldn't contain their feelings and shouted, "I love you" to the actor.
As Ranbir proceeded towards the security check, the keen eyes of the camera captured a moment when he stowed his phone in his pocket. In that fleeting glimpse, it was revealed that a song from Animal was on constant replay in his playlist.
Have a look!