Anupam Kher recently announced that he will play the role of renowned Bengali poet and philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore in his upcoming project. He shared his look from the film on social media and announced the news sharing his gratitude for getting the chance to portray the Nobel Laureate on screen. Now, netizens have expressed mixed reactions to this news. Popular Bengali actress, Swastika Mukherjee took to social media to express her disapproval over Anupam Kher’s look.
Anupam Kher as Rabdindranath Tagore
Three days back, Anupam Kher took to social media to upload a photo where the talented actor is seen in a traditional attire and look of the late poet. Anupam Kher as Rabindranath Tagore looks unrecognizable and the actor promised to reveal more details about the project in the coming days. Uploading the photo, Anupam Kher wrote, “Delighted to portray #Gurudev #RabindranathTagore in my 538th project. Will reveal the details in due course. ये मेरा सौभाग्य है कि मुझे गुरुदेव को पर्दे पर साकार करने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ है! जल्द ही इस फ़िल्म की अधिक जानकारी आपके साथ संझा करूँगा!” While some fans reacted how only he can do justice to bringing Gurudev to life on screen and how his looks are realistic, many begged to differ and criticized him. The title of the film and more details about the project are yet to be announced.
Take a look at Anupam Kher’s post here:
Bengali actress Swastika Mukherjee’s reaction to Anupam Kher’s post
Popular Bengali actress Swastika Mukherjee, notable for her role in Hindi movies like Qala, and Kora Kagazz, among many Hindi web series, took to her social media to express her opinion. Yesterday, the actress shared a tweet without naming anybody and wrote, “No one should play Robi Thakur. Leave the man alone.” Few netizens reciprocated their feelings and commented that they agree with the actress. However, some also believed and expressed that Rabindranath Tagore’s story should be told and cinema is an excellent medium to serve this purpose.
Here’s the tweet Swastika Mukherjee shared:
On the work front, Swastika Mukherjee is known for delivering power-packed performances and is a versatile actress who fits into every role with ease. She was last seen in the Hindi movie, Qala, alongside Tripti Dimri and Babil Khan. Her projects in the OTT space include Pataal Lok, Dil Bechara, and Criminal Justice: Adhura Sach, among others.