On Monday morning, Akshay Kumar shared two new posters of his upcoming film, OMG 2. The film is a sequel to Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal starrer Oh My God, which released in 2012, and proved to be a massive hit among the audience. The first part starred Akshay Kumar as Lord Krishna, and in OMG 2, the superstar will be seen playing Lord Shiva. OMG 2 also stars Yami Gautam and Pankaj Tripathi in the lead roles. While the previous posters of OMG 2 gave a glimpse of Akshay Kumar’s role as Lord Shiva, the new poster gives a closer glimpse of Akshay Kumar’s look as Lord Shiva. He has also shared Pankaj Tripathi’s first look from the film OMG 2.
Akshay Kumar shares new posters from OMG 2
Akshay Kumar first shared a poster that showed a closeup of himself portraying Lord Shiva. He is seen with long hair, blue paint on his neck, kohled eyes, and ash smeared on his forehead. The release date of OMG 2 remains the same, and the film will hit the theatres on 11th August, 2023. Sharing the poster, Akshay Kumar wrote, “Bas kuch dino mein (coming in few days) OMG 2 in theatres on August 11. Teaser drops soon.” Tiger Shroff reacted to his look and wrote, “Paaji,” along with fire emoji.
Meanwhile, an hour later, Akshay Kumar also shared the first look of Pankaj Tripathi’s character from OMG 2. In the poster, Pankaj Tripathi is with folded hands, standing amidst a crowd of people. He is seen in a simple look, wearing a checkered shirt with a grey Nehru jacket over it. “Milte hain sachchai ki raah par (Meet us on the path of truth),” wrote Akshay Kumar, while sharing the poster. Meanwhile, Viacom18 Studios shared Pankaj Tripathi’s poster, and introduced his character by tweeting, “Miliye Kanti Sharan Mudgal se#OMG2 in theatres on August 11. Teaser drops soon.” Check it out below!
OMG 2 has been directed and written by Amit Rai. The film will clash in theatres will Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel starrer Gadar 2, which will also release on August 11. Earlier, OMG 2 was clashing at the box office with Ranbir Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna starrer Animal. However, Animal has now been postponed, and will release on December 1, thereby averting the clash.
Rajinikanth’s Tamil action film Jailer will release on August 10, a day before the release of OMG 2. Alia Bhatt’s Hollywood debut film Heart Of Stone will premiere on Netflix on August 11, 2023.