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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Why you should visit Namibia

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As people look for a destination to travel to that offers something different we have decided to shed a little light on Namibia, a country that is starting to be discovered for a number of incredible reasons by intrepid travelers. The country that is known as the Land of the Brave may suit the adventurous amongst us, but in reality, it has something for everyone.

German architecture

While the last thing you would expect to see in a small African city is some quaint German architecture, it does make sense when you realize that Namibia was once colonized by the Germans. The buildings in the capital city of Namibia, Windhoek, offer a clear introduction into the transformation that has taken place in the country overall. While the colonial-style buildings dominate the city there is plenty to learn about the country’s history and modern culture.

National park

The Skeleton Coast National Park offers exactly what it says on the cover. A national park littered with shipwrecks. The area is largely desert and you will need a 4×4 to access many of the shipwrecks. The fact that the large ships are found in an environment where they really make no sense is a sight to behold and a must-see if you choose to visit Namibia.

Another national park

Etosha National Park is your best chance at seeing some of the incredible wildlife that Namibia has to offer. While much of the country is desert this place is full of life and grassland. It offers a great chance to see some elephants and zebras.

Sossusvlei and Deadvlei

While the name will tell you nothing about this place it is our top recommendation when visiting Namibia. It is a dry salt and clay pan surrounded by sand dunes with a deep red color. To describe it or to even google the images does it a disservice. This is something that really must be witnessed. Where once there stood a beautiful Oasis now stands dead trees emerging from masses of salt. If Dali was to design a world it would look like this, where shadows stretch long and the barren wasteland is defied by its beauty.

Namibia will not top the most popular destination lists anytime soon. However, if you are someone who is looking for something different, if you are looking for an experience, looking to see something incredible that doesn’t fit within the frame of your phone then Namibia may be your perfect destination.

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