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What is ancient Gnawa music? Exploring the traditional form of music that allegedly inspired the Blues genre

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Gnawa music, a traditional North African musical genre that at present calls Morocco its home, is a fascinating and historically and culturally rich musical genre that is seldom talked about in the pop music landscape.

The roots of the North African musical genre, which has been recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO can be traced back to the trans-Saharan slave trade period, when black African slaves from West Africa were brought to Morocco. Gnawa music derives its name from the word Gnawa, which in the indigenous North African language quite simply translates to black person. 

The Gnaoua World Music Festival is an annual event held in Essaouira, Morocco, that celebrates Gnawa music. Make sure to mark your presence the next time you plan a trip to Africa. 


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Exploring the History of Gnawa Music and Its intricacies

Gnawa music was brought to Morocco by black African slaves during the trans-Saharan slave trade. They brought with them their rich culture and heritage, one of them in the form of Gnawa music. 

The musical genre is a close match to Islamic Sufi music, if you have to understand and picture what it actually sounds like. The central theme of Gnawa music is often spiritual devotion, which is dedicated to various saints. The music is traditionally played during ceremonies and celebrations combined with dance movements like spinning and swaying to the rhythm of the music. The secondary themes of the Gnawa music could also sometimes be African heritage and African cultural identity, given that the music is native to black Africans. 

Guembri, a three-stringed camel skin-covered bass lute strung with goat gut, is the primary instrument, along with Qraqeb, a pair of metal castanets made of iron or brass. The Gnawa musical performance is led by a Maalem (a person who has mastered the intricacies of the Gnawa music), followed by other members of the group who play various instruments and dance to the music in a trance state. 


Gnawa musicians performing and dancing to the beats of Gnawa music

The growing popularity of Gnawa music and its influence on the Blues genre among others

The blues genre of music resembles traditional Gnawa music in more than one aspect. Both the Blues and the Gnawa music are based on elements such as call and response patterns, rhythmic structures, and spiritual and mystical themes. 

The influence of Gnawa music on the American Blues can be traced back to black African slaves being traded to southern America. 

Top Gnawa artists and bands to explore if our article got you interested in the musical genre

Mahmoud Guinia (Solo artist)

Nass Marrakech (Group)

Hamid El Kasri (Solo artist) 

Freeklane (Band) 

Gnawa Diffusion (Band) 

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