During the ongoing festive season, Bollywood celebrities have been seen spending quality time with their families and loved ones. Hrithik Roshan stepped out for a movie date with his girlfriend Saba Azad and his sons Hrehaan and Hridhaan. The War 2 actor even wished the paparazzi who were present there a happy Diwali.
Today, November 3, 2024, Hrithik Roshan was spotted by the paparazzi as he arrived at a cinema in Mumbai. The actor was seen wearing a gray t-shirt and pants with a dark shaded jacket. He also donned sunglasses and a cap. As Hrithik entered the hall, paps sent him festive wishes and he also told them ‘Happy Diwali.’
Hrithik’s kids Hrehaan Roshan and Hridhaan Roshan as well as the actor’s ladylove Saba Azad followed him inside. Saba wore a black top with light jeans and carried a jacket in her hand. She also wished paps a happy Diwali with a smile.
Watch the video here!
Hrithik Roshan recently made a special post on Instagram to convey birthday wishes to Saba Azad. The post contained a series of pictures from their memorable times together. One picture showed them twinning in white as they clicked a selfie, while in another they were enjoying a croissant. The third photo showed them extremely happy as they bought socks.
In one snapshot, they were seen cycling together, while another captured them under a tree. Saba held her boyfriend lovingly from the back in one photograph. There was an image of them hugging a giant tree, while in the next one they enjoyed some ice cream. The last slide was a sunkissed picture of Saba in which she had her eyes closed.
In the caption, Hrithik wrote, “Happy Birthday Sa. Thank you for you. 1.11.2024 @sabazad.” Check it out!
Touched by Hrithik’s post, Saba expressed her gratitude in the comments section. She stated, “Hey thanks my love. Also third picture (laughing emojis) never seen two people more delighted to find socks.”
On the work front, Hrithik Roshan has been busy shooting for his YRF Spy Universe film War 2 with Kiara Advani and Jr. NTR.