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Friday, October 25, 2024

War on Gaza: What impact will the ICJ case have? | Show Types

Must read

The ICJ hearings have drawn scorn as well as shock from Israel’s media punditry. In the West, however, the case has emboldened journalists to ask tougher questions of the Israeli narrative.

Lead contributors:
Oren Ziv – Reporter, +972 Magazine
Mouin Rabbani – Co-editor, Jadaliyya
Selma Carmey – Human rights lawyer
Gideon Levy – Columnist, Haaretz
Daniel Levy – President, US/Middle East Project; Former Israeli political adviser

On our radar:

Australia’s public broadcaster- ABC – fired a radio host after she shared a report on Gaza’s humanitarian crisis to her social media. Meenakshi Ravi reports on a leak showing a pro-Israel pressure group may have been involved.

Feature: Top marks for Finland

Finland’s educational drive around media literacy offers a model for educators, broadcasters and countries around the world.

Feature contributors:
Leo Pekkala – Deputy director, National Audiovisual Institute
Mari Vesanummi – Media education producer, YLE
Valtteri Kela – Finnish language teacher, Helsinki French Finnish School
Valentina Uitto – History teacher, Helsinki French Finnish School

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