Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan will soon make her debut with Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies, which will release on Netflix this year. The film will also mark Khushi Kapoor and Agastya Nanda’s acting debuts. Last month, Suhana, Khushi, and Agastya, along with the other members of The Archies gang- Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina, Aditi Saigal, and Yuvraj Menda jetted off to Sau Paulo for Netflix Tudum 2023 event, where they performed their film’s theme song. Now, Netflix India has shared a behind-the-scenes video of The Archies gang that gives a glimpse of the fun that they had during the Sau Paulo trip.
Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda, Khushi Kapoor of The Archies gang have a blast during Sao Paulo trip
The video opens with the text ‘The Archies in Brazil,’ and shows Suhana, Khushi, Agastya, Yuvraj, Aditi, Mihir, and Vedang roaming around the streets of Brazil in style. Suhana looks incredibly happy as she walks next to Agastya Nanda and Yuvraj Menda. The Archies gang is then seen enjoying candy floss as they sat under a tree. The video then gives a sneak peek of their time at the Tudum event. While there, Suhana, Khushi, Agastya, and others were seen exploring the Bridgerton set. Suhana, Khushi, and Aditi also stopped by the Emily in Paris cafe shop. While Suhana and Khushi were seen posing at a coffee table, Aditi posed in front of the door.
The team also enjoyed a couple of other games including Red Light, Green Light from the Korean series Squid Game. They were then seen roller skating on a Stranger Things set. The video then ends with The Archies gang’s performance at Tudum 2023. Sharing the video, Suhana wrote, “Life with The Archies: Sao Paulo Edition.”
Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, Suhana Khan shared a video of The Archies gang’s performance at Tudum 2023. She wrote, “Thank you for having us Brazil! You were incredible!” Agastya Nanda’s sister Navya Naveli Nanda reacted to Suhana’s post and dropped a red heart emoji. Shanaya Kapoor, Shweta Bachchan, Zoya Akhtar, and others also showered love.
ALSO READ: Suhana Khan steps out for movie night with BFF Shanaya Kapoor and her brother Jahaan; See PICS