Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, known for her fashion, wasn’t always so confident. She recently revealed how, at 16, trolling about weight gain, facial hair, and other changes affected her. People often remarked, “She’s Anil Kapoor’s daughter,” implying she should look a certain way. She shared that it was her mother who showed her a picture of Kajol with a unibrow, which helped motivate Sonam to embrace her appearance.
At Barkha Dutt’s We The Women summit, Sonam Kapoor took a moment to reflect on her past struggles, revealing how she dealt with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and its impact on her teenage years as per News 18. She shared how, at 16, she faced weight gain, acne, and facial hair—an age when society expects you to look your best.
On top of the physical changes, the Blind actress endured harsh comments, with people criticizing her appearance and linking her to her father, Anil Kapoor. “I had facial hair. And you break out in acne. I had people tell me ‘oh, she’s Anil Kapoor’s daughter.’ You know, weird trolling things,” she said.
Despite the challenges, Sonam emphasized that these issues were temporary, as hormonal changes are common in adolescence, and she eventually overcame them, though the experience left a lasting impression. “But I was traumatized by it,” she said.
The fashion icon recalled how her mother inspired her to embrace her unique features, especially after showing her a picture of Kajol with a unibrow. She shared that, at the time, Kajol was one of the biggest stars, and her mother pointed out how confidently Kajol owned her natural look.
Sonam Kapoor said, “I remember my mom showing me Kajol’s picture, and said, ‘Look at her! She is the biggest heroine right now’.” Sonam found motivation in this, realizing that beauty is about self-acceptance, not conforming to societal expectations.
The actress shared that at 17, after being discovered by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, she realized the importance of being true to oneself and setting an example. Reflecting on Kajol’s influence, she admitted that while it wasn’t a conscious decision, Kajol’s bold choices at the time unknowingly inspired her.
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