Veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha is currently on cloud nine. His daughter and actress Sonakshi Sinha got married to her long-time beau Zaheer Iqbal on June 23. Even a week later, the heartfelt congratulatory wishes continue to pour in for the family. Being a doting father, the actor-turned-politician has also been expressing gratitude wholeheartedly to loved ones on social media.
Shatrughan Sinah expresses gratitude for wishes for Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal
Today, on July 2, a while back, Shatrughan Sinha took to his X (formerly Twitter) and dropped a thank you note on behalf of his family for the blessings and congratulatory messages for the ‘made for each other’ couple Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal. He gave a special mention to the likes of veteran politician Arun Shourie, Yashwant Sinha and renowned journalist, RavishKumar.
He wrote, “Thanking everyone for their blessings love & warm congratulatory messages. But most touched to have received extremely heartwarming affectionate wishes from most learned, intellectual par excellence the great #ArunShourie elder brother, statesman #YashwantSinha & of course the most deserving, Magsaysay Award winner #RavishKumar for the ‘made for each other’ couple #SonakshiSinha & #ZaheerIqbal. #SinhaParivar”
Take a look:
When Shatrughan Sinha dropped inside glimpses from Sonakshi and Zaheer’s wedding with thank you note
Notably, a couple of days after Sonakshi and Zaheer’s wedding, on June 26, the Dostana actor had dropped a gratitude post for the well-wishers and hailed his daughter’s wedding as the ‘wedding of the century’. He went on to post several inside pictures and videos also.
Expressing his emotions over the wishes coming their way, in one tweet he had written, “Truly overwhelmed with the best wishes, it really means a lot, no words to express our happiness & appreciation. #SinhaParivar.”
Have a look at the tweet!
In another tweet shared, he mentioned, “With an attitude of gratitude we would like to thank everyone for celebrating with us on our special day seems to be the ‘wedding of the century’ with your warmth, love, congratulatory messages for our darling daughter #SonakshiSinha with #ZaheerIqbal as they start a new chapter in their beautiful journey of their lives.”
Take a look:
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal after dating for seven years got married on June 23. The low-key registered wedding was followed by a grand, star-studded reception ceremony.