Shahid Kapoor delivered one of his career-defining performances, with Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Kabir Singh. However, the film led to a more extensive debate about a film’s possible impact and influence on society. Recently, Shahid Kapoor addressed those debates and shared he doesn’t ‘judge’ the character he plays. He admitted that several acts of Kabir Singh were ‘unacceptable,’ but guys like him exist, and girls fall in love with them, so why is it a issue to make films on it.
In a candid interview on The Faye D’Souza Show, the actor admitted that Kabir Singh had a flawed personality and many things he did were ‘unacceptable.’ But, he shared how there are such people in society, and just like in films, girls fall in love with them, so the audiences can decide to admire or criticize them.
He said, ” I would not accept a guy like that, but do guys like that exist? Do girls like that fall in love with guys like that? Yes, they do, so why can’t we make a movie about it? You walk away, and you decide what you like and what you don’t like. That’s really up to you as an audience.”
Kapoor advocated for freedom of storytelling and mentioned films can’t be made on just good or idealized characters or situations. The Jab We Met actor added that they are meant to reflect life in which characters’ good and bad exist. Consequently, the film’s audiences must decide what they learn from it.
He also highlighted the role of film certifications in guiding viewership for kids and adults. He mentioned, “My job is to present the character authentically, not to judge them or dictate what the audience should think.”
Shahid also maintained that the artists who play different characters can’t be responsible for how the audiences think about their characters. He noted, “If someone watches Kabir Singh and says, ‘I never want to know someone like that,’ that’s fine. But if someone thinks this is what true love is, that’s their perspective. You cannot blame the artist for how the audience chooses to interpret a story.”
The actor also mentioned the dual nature of some actors who portray ideal characters on-screen and have opposite personalities in real life. Kapoor admitted he, as a person, is responsible for his family and his kids. He doesn’t want them to see in him a person who does all the wrong things; rather, he wants to them to see him doing the right things as a husband, father, son and therefore he is working on being better at it.