Shah Rukh Khan’s fans skip a heartbeat whenever they see the superstar making public appearances. Recently, King Khan was spotted at Alibaugh jetty, leaving with his family for Mumbai. While the actor made waves, it was his new furry friend who stole the show. Soon after, visuals of them traveling together spread like wildfire, and netizens started gushing over them and calling it the ‘cutest thing’ on the internet.
On December 29, 2024, Shah Rukh Khan was spotted at Alibaugh jetty as he left for Mumbai with his wife Gauri Khan and youngest child, AbRam Khan. In the clip, King Khan can be seen making his way towards the speedboat. While his glimpse was enough to make his fans swoon, the actor carrying a little white dog in his arms leaves fans in a frenzy.
Take a look at the video:
For a comfortable travel, the Jawan actor was seen donning a pair of denim pants with a plain black t-shirt and matching jacket. He covered his face with a giant hoodie and sported a pair of sneakers to complete his outfit. The way he cutely scratched his dog’s neck and made him comfortable in his embrace made netizens flood social media with their lovely comments.
Taking to X (formerly Twitter), a user expressed, “That moment when you feel jealous of a damn DOGGG,” while another wrote, “Shah Rukh Khan holding his cute pet dog is the cutest thing ever.” Another fan commented, “Omg with doggy how cute” while a fourth stated, “SRK with Puppy in His Hand. Best Thing on Internet Today.”
There was another user who expressed, “shah in a dark hoodie with a cutu dog is everything to me.” “Shah Rukh Khan holding the puppy is one of the cutest thing i saw today!” wrote another. Another X user stated, “The way he holds that puppy and scratches its neck is such a sweet moment.”
Take a look:
After returning from their quick Alibaugh weekend getaway, the Khan family reached Jamnagar to celebrate New Year with the Ambani family. Recently, Salman Khan also celebrated his 59th birthday with Ambanis in Jamnagar.