The Sukumar-directed Pushpa 2: The Rule led by Allu Arjun with Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil is ruling the worldwide box office and has shattered all records over four-day period. According to early estimates, Pushpa 2 has scored a record-breaking global weekend in the north of Rs 750 crore, and is all set to enter the Rs 1000 crore club in less than 10 days. The action-packed entertainer has clocked the biggest four-day total of all time in the history of Indian Cinema, and has rewritten the record books.
Out of the global business of Rs 750 crore plus, Pushpa 2 has earned Rs 590 crore in India and another Rs 163 crore (USD 19.25 million) in the international markets. The business of Pushpa 2 is driven by the North Indian market, where the film scored around Rs 320 crore, followed by the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, which clocked Rs 175 crore through the run. Pushpa 2: The Rule has surpassed all the projections through its run, and the audience reception is superlative, especially for the Hindi dubbed version.
Pushpa 2 Worldwide Day Wise Box Office Estimates:
Thursday: Rs 256 crore (Estimate)
Friday: Rs 138 crore (Estimate)
Saturday: Rs 169 crore (Estimate)
Sunday: Rs 190 crore (Estimate)
Total: Rs 753 crore (Estimate)
Be it in India or abroad, the showcasing for the Hindi dubbed version of Pushpa 2 is increasing based on audience demand, which indicates that the Allu Arjun film could do unimaginable numbers in the north of Rs 700 crore (GBOC) with just the Hindi version by the end of its run.
Since it is the Hindi version that is collecting better in overseas, one can expect a stronger trend than a normal Tollywood film, which are quite frontloaded, even more so when the Hindi version is capacity-constrained. The film has debuted #2 at the global box office, and as far as the international belt is concerned, US/CAN was the best-performing market. Stating the obvious, the film has also scored the biggest opening weekend for all time for Allu Arjun. Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for detailed breakdown on the global box office of Pushpa 2.