Bollywood icon Poonam Dhillon recently fell victim to a robbery at her Khar residence, where jewelry worth Rs 1 lakh, Rs.35,000 cash and 500 USD (Rs 42,923) were stolen. The culprit, who was part of a painting crew that had worked at her home during the festive season, managed to carry out the heist. While Poonam primarily resides with her son Anmol in Juhu, she occasionally stays at the Khar property, which was targeted. Authorities have arrested one individual in connection with the crime.
As per a report in Free Press Journal, on January 6, the Khar police arrested 37-year-old Sameer Ansari for allegedly stealing valuable items from Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon’s Khar West home. Among the stolen goods were a diamond earring worth Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 35,000 in cash, and 500 US dollars.
Ansari, part of a painting crew working at the actress’s residence between December 28 and January 5, took advantage of an unlocked cupboard containing the valuables. After noticing the open cupboard, he seized the opportunity to steal the items. Reports indicate that Ansari spent Rs. 9,000 hosting a party for his colleagues, also part of the team.
The theft came to light when Poonam’s son, Anmol, returned from Dubai on January 5 and found the items missing. He contacted his mother and later, after talking to the domestic staff, the actress’s manager filed a police report.
Upon questioning the painting team, Ansari admitted to the theft, leading to his arrest.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Poonam Dhillon was last seen in Jai Mummy Di, alongside Sonnalli Seygall and Sunny Singh. With a career spanning several hit films such as Samundar, Dard, Pathar Ke Insan, Teri Meherbaniyan, Jai Shiv Shankar, Ramaiya Vastavaiya, Batwara, Karma, and Naam, she has established herself as a versatile actress in Bollywood. She made her OTT debut in 2021 with the Disney+ Hotstar series Dil Bekaraar.
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