Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya got divorced back in 2021. The couple left their fans shocked as they announced their decision to go separate ways within four years of marriage. The latter has moved on and recently got married a second time to actress Sobhita Dhulipala. However, on the other hand, netizens feel that the Citadel: Honey Bunny star still is yet to move on.
If one scrolls Samantha’s Instagram account, the person would get proof of the same. The actress still retains one of her wedding pictures with Naga Chaitanya.
The diva posted it back on November 23, 2017, when she wished her then-husband Naga Chaitanya on his birthday. She had penned, “Happy birthday, my everything. I don’t wish; I pray every single day that God gives you everything your heart desires. I love you forever. #happybirthdaychay.”
Check out the post here:
Fans of Samantha were quick to take note of this last retaining picture of her with Chay and demanded in the comment section that she must delete it, now that the latter has remarried and moved on with his life.
Here’s what the fans have to say:
Well, over the years, Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been open about sharing how she dealt with the tough ordeal in her life after her marriage fell apart. In one of her previous interviews right after her divorce, the Kushi star revealed how she felt she would crumble and die after it.
She had said, “I know I’m still going to live my life, and with all the issues that I now faced in my personal life, I was surprised at how strong I was. I thought I was a much weaker person.” The actress went on to add, “I thought that with my separation, I would crumble and die. I didn’t think I was capable of being this strong… Today I’m very, very proud of how strong I am because I really didn’t know I was.”
Fast forward to now: Naga Chaitanya recently remarried and got hitched to Sobhita Dhulipala. Their wedding took place at the Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad on December 4. Meanwhile, Samantha has headlined Citadel: Honey Bunny with Varun Dhawan.