Today, February 21, marks a delightful milestone for Bollywood's beloved duo Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan as they celebrate their son Jehangir Ali Khan's third birthday, affectionately known as Jeh. To commemorate the occasion, the couple hosted an extravagant birthday bash, graced by numerous Bollywood luminaries. Notably, Kareena's dear friends Amrita Arora Ladak and Malaika Arora were among the attendees. Amrita recently shared a captivating snapshot from the celebration, epitomizing the essence of enduring friendship.
Amrita Arora shares picture with Kareena Kapoor and Malaika Arora
Amrita Arora Ladak took to her Instagram stories to share an inside glimpse from Jehangir Ali Khan's birthday bash. The snapshot captures the trio of besties – Amrita, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Malaika Arora – radiating effortless style and camaraderie. Kareena opted for a casual chic look in a yellow t-shirt paired with blue denim jeans, while Malaika exuded elegance in a flowing white maxi dress. Amrita, on the other hand, flaunted a chic black and white ensemble. The caption adds a playful touch: "Mommies gone wild…Jeh baba's 3rd was a rager." Take a look: