Samantha Ruth Prabhu has taken a break from work to focus on her health. The actress visited Isha Yoga Centre and is working on her healing journey. She gave the first-ever glimpse of her journey towards healing as she visited the Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The photos show her meditating in the crowd, following Sadhguru’s directions.
Samantha took to Instagram and shared a few photos from the yoga center as she began the healing process. In the photos, the actress is seen performing meditation with a group of people. She wore a white kurta set with a match on top and a flower garland. The actress also has tika on her forehead. Along with that, Sam also shared a few beautiful glimpses of nature and a peacock dancing.
She also penned a note that reads, “A while ago, sitting still—without thoughts flooding, without twitching, itching, twisting and turning—seemed almost impossible.But today, a meditative state is my most powerful source of strength. Of calm. Of connection. And of clarity..Who would have thought that something so simple could be so powerful.”
Samantha Ruth Prabhu shares photos from healing journey with meditation
Samantha takes break to focus on health
Samantha began her sabbatical with a road trip, followed by a visit to the Golden Temple in Vellore. She took blessings from the goddess and also dropped glimpses on social media. The popular actress decided to take a step back from acting for at least six months. Samantha wanted to focus on her health after a hectic year. She will be focusing on her health, and undergoing treatment for her autoimmune condition myositis in the US.
The Shaakuntalam actress confirmed this news after wrapping up the shoot of Citadel. She shared a photo with the filmmaker duo, Raj and DK, and penned a note that mentioned break doesn’t seem like a bad thing at all.
Pinkvilla has exclusively learned that Sam is definitely going on a break, but it will be only for a few months. During her break, the actress decided to focus on her health as she had one crazy year with back-to-back shoots. Trusted sources confirmed that Samantha will kickstart prepping for her new projects soon after the short break.
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