Ranveer Singh played the historic character of Alauddin Khilji in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s 2018 film Padmaavat, also starring Deepika Padukone & Shahid Kapoor in the lead. While his performance received huge appreciation, the actor said he went into a dark zone to play the character with conviction.
However, actor Prashant Narayanan, who is known for playing several challenging roles in his career, said that the actor was lying. Now, Nawazuddin Siddiqui has come to the defense of Ranveer.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s take on Ranveer Singh’s method acting
During an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Prashant Narayanan said that Ranveer Singh was lying about going into a dark zone for his character. “Woh jhoot bol raha hai. Yeh dark spaces mein jana, yeh sab karna yeh bakwas ki baatein hain (He’s lying. Going into dark space, doing all these things is stupid),” he said.
Recently, during an interview with Shubhankar Mishra, Nawazuddin Siddiqui was asked about it. The actor, known as one of the method actors in Bollywood, supported Ranveer. Without taking the name of Prashant, he asked whether the actor who said this about Padmaavat actor saw the process he followed to do justice to his character. He said that one can never judge an actor’s process, what he’s thinking, and how he’s living his life while playing a complicated character.
Calling the statement “irresponsible,” Nawaz reminded some of the most memorable performances like Heath Ledger’s Joker. He said that characters like these come to life only when an actor is serious about it. He mentioned that anyone can memorize dialogues and deliver them, but the real difference comes when they go through a painful process by recalling their past experiences and using that to play their role with honesty.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s work front
Nawazuddin was last seen in Haddi, which was released on OTT platform Zee5. He is currently busy promoting his latest film, Rautu Ka Raaz, which was also released on Zee5 on June 28. Directed by Anand Surapur, the mystery drama also stars Atul Tiwari, Rajesh Kumar, and Narayani Shastri in pivotal roles.
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