Nana Patekar opened up about slapping a fan on Vanvaas’s sets. In a recent interview, the veteran actor revisited the controversy and admitted he was ‘wrong’ for slapping the man. However, he noted that it is important for ‘people to know the place and time wherein they should express their love for someone’ and said that ‘it became a big controversy.’
For those who may not know, Nana Patekar found himself at the center of a controversy after he slapped a man attempting to take a selfie with him. The incident occurred while Nana was filming in Varanasi when the man approached the set during a break in filming and tried to snap a picture with the actor.
Speaking to News18 about the incident, Nana Patekar recalled that a person had approached him, which led to a controversy. He admitted that he slapped the individual, acknowledging that it was wrong.
Nana explained that the person acted out of affection and didn’t realize they were in the middle of a shot. He entered the set during the filming and tried to take a selfie, which prompted Nana to slap him. He emphasized that while it was an overreaction, there is a right time to express love.
If the person had waited until after the shot, Nana stated he would not have had any issue, but as it happened, it turned into a major controversy.
This behavior upset Nana, who responded by slapping him, and the moment was captured on video. Following the video’s viral spread, Nana later apologized to the fan.
When asked if filming outdoors has become more challenging for filmmakers, director Anil Sharma, known for Gadar 2, acknowledged that it has indeed become difficult, especially with the rise of social media.
He explained that it’s hard to avoid having shots copied, as audiences often share videos on platforms like Twitter (now X) and Instagram. Sharma revealed that to address this issue, they now have to set up a separate digital team to get these videos removed, making it an additional task.
Meanwhile, Vanvaas is all set to release on December 20, 2024.