Most of us know actress Mona Singh not by her original name but as Jassi. That’s because she rose to fame by playing the role of Jasmeet Walia aka Jassi in her debut soap opera Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin. After her successful TV career, she stepped into Bollywood by playing a supporting character in Rajkumar Hirani’s 3 Idiots. Earlier, we saw her in the film Laal Singh Chaddha and very recently, in the second instalment of the romantic drama web series, Made In Heaven. In an interview, the actor-comedian spoke about sharing screen time with actor Vijay Raaz in the OTT series.
Mona Singh on her onscreen chemistry with Vijay Raaz
If you have watched Made In Heaven 2, you would agree that Mona not only nailed her character but also brought so much depth to the story. In an interview with News18, the Amavas actress divulged about her onscreen chemistry with Vijay Raaz who played her husband in the series. She said, “He’s such a good actor, I love this craft. I would often ask him, ‘How do I say my lines?’ He would tell me ‘Mona, shut up and do your own thing.’ We had wonderful conversations about art, how to become more uninhibited in front of the camera, and how to not panic! There was just so much to learn from him.”
Mona Singh on OTT content
Singh has done it all, be it TV shows, movies, reality shows, or OTT. Hence, she knows the pros and cons of these entertainment platforms. Sharing why OTT is a great medium for writers and even actors like her, she said, “TV is all about TRPs, films are all about box office collection, but when it comes to OTT, it’s all about real stories. It’s also a great medium for writers to tell bold stories. OTT has changed the entire storytelling and I’m so happy to be a part of this new change. It’s the best phase for actors like me. I’m busy – my calendar is choc-o-bloc and I have shows back-to-back. I have six releases coming up,” Mona added.