The Indian Box Office saw its first Rs 100 crore worldwide grosser with Baahubali 2. What’s interesting to note here is that the film didn’t just open the Rs 100 crore club but also the Rs 200 crore club. Since then, Rs 100 crore day 1 opener has become a crowded place with as many as 10 films part of it, including the newest entrant Salaar Part 1: Ceasefire, directed by Prashanth Neel and starring Prabhas, Prithviraj Sukumaran and Shruti Haasan.
Salaar Emerged As The 10th Indian Film To Gross Over Rs 100 Crores Worldwide On The Opening Day
Salaar took the box office by storm as it grossed Rs 144 crores worldwide on its first day, including North America premieres of Rs 26 crores. Salaar is Prabhas‘ second biggest opener after Baahubali 2. The actor now has four films (Baahubali 2, Saaho, Adipurush, Salaar) part of the list, highest for an Indian actor. Given his film line-up, breaking into the enviable club is a foregone conclusion. His films after Salaar are Kalki 2898 AD and Spirit.
Prabhas Has A Huge Initial Draw; Rules The Rs 100 Crore Day 1 List With As Many As 4 Films
Prabhas is a dependable bet for producers in India because he guarantees initials and has a following across the country. The choices of the actor are usually under scrutiny and he will need to make a sincere effort to take up films that match his calibre.
Following is a list of Rs 100 Crore day 1 Indian openers worldwide
Baahubali 2 – Rs 200cr (including Rs 26cr previews)
RRR – Rs 189cr (Rs 30cr)
KGF 2 – Rs 161cr (Rs 8cr)
Leo – Rs 144cr (Rs16cr)
Salaar – Rs 144 crores (Rs 26cr)
Jawan – Rs 127cr
Saaho – Rs 116cr (Rs 12cr)
Animal – Rs 108cr (Rs 9cr)
Pathaan – Rs 107cr
Adipurush – Rs 104cr (₹8cr)
Watch the Salaar Trailer
Salaar Aims To Nett Over Rs 100 Crores For Its Hindi Version
Salaar was able to register a good opening for itself in the north. The collections of Rs 15 crores nett are impressive knowing that it was running alongside a stardriven film like Dunki. It will have to sustain through the New Year season to breach the respectable Rs 100 crore nett club. Earlier this year, Prabhas’ Adipurush was able to collect around Rs 125 crores in Hindi.
About Salaar
Salaar revolves around the friendship between a prince and a renegade, who happens to be his childhood friend.
When And Where To Watch Salaar
Salaar can now be watched at a theatre near you. The film’s tickets can be booked on online ticketing applications or from the box office.
ALSO READ: Salaar Day 1 Hindi Box Office: Prabhas starrer takes a good start; Netts Rs 15 crores on boxing day