John Abraham shared the screen with Shah Rukh Khan in Siddharth Anand’s action thriller film, Pathaan. In the 2023 movie, John, who celebrates his birthday today (December 17) played the antagonist who locked hands with King Khan’s character. But during their fight scenes, he was hesitant to pack a punch at his senior. This is why SRK later called him a ‘gentle giant’ who helped him look nice in the hit movie.
On John Abraham’s birthday, we went down memory lane to the time when Shah Rukh Khan heaped praise on his Pathaan co-star. In a clip posted on Yash Raj Film’s YouTube account, King Khan spoke about his experience of working with the birthday boy. The megastar stated that it was nice working with John adding that “he is a gentle giant.”
Elaborating on it, the Jawan actor divulged that when they were shooting the action sequences in Pathaan, John called SRK a ‘national treasure’ and told him that he would not hurt him. “He is very shy” revealed Shah Rukh adding that he had to do a lot of convincing. He asked the Jism debutant to punch him and he won’t get hurt. Calling Abraham proficient in action, the King of Romance stated, “he really helped me look nice you know, in body language.”
Further on in the video, Khan called John very kind and admitted that when someone is making a movie with a co-star like John, there is a lot to learn from him. Even though he is a star himself, he has the utmost respect for the senior actor. Khan was also quick to state that he was very keen to work with John and he was kind enough to play the negative character in the actioner.
The Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actor stated that John is a top star and has done really cool action films. Hence, to play the bad cop in a movie takes a lot of guts when most actors refuse to play antagonists in movies. Hence, it takes a lot of confidence in oneself, this is why SRK gained deep respect for the birthday boy.
ALSO READ: 7 best John Abraham movies that prove he is a master of all genres