Bollywood sisters Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor share a bond that screams sibling goals. Known for their unwavering support for each other, they never miss a chance to inspire. Recently, Orry shared an adorable picture of the duo in cozy pajamas, decorating their Christmas tree together. The heartwarming moment not only captures their festive spirit but also gives us all the sibling plans to aspire to this holiday season!
Orry took to Instagram Stories today (November 30) to share a delightful collage of Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor decorating their Christmas tree, and it’s a sight to behold. The vibrant green and white tree stands elegantly adorned, exuding festive cheer.Â
Janhvi Kapoor is captured mid-decoration, dressed casually in a simple t-shirt and black-and-white checkered pants. Beside her, Khushi lends a helping hand in cozy pajamas, making the moment all the more endearing.Â
Orry also sneaks into the frame with his ‘shy fingers’ pose, adding a playful touch. The picture perfectly captures the festive vibe, showing the sisters are all set for Christmas and getting us in the holiday spirit too!
Check out the pic right below!
In a recent interview with Lifestyle Asia India, Khushi Kapoor shared how Janhvi Kapoor has always been her biggest support. She described the Mr & Mrs Mahi actress as a guiding figure in her life, always offering advice, no matter how small the matter.Â
Khushi revealed that her sister is the first person she turns to for guidance, often feeling like a parental figure. While Janhvi provides valuable pep talks, the Archies actress also enjoys the perks of being her sister, particularly when it comes to borrowing clothes and shoes.
Khushi, who recently made her runway debut at a fashion show, also mentioned the advice Janhvi gave her before the event to ANI and revealed she urged her to stay calm, be in the moment, and listen to the music. Her encouraging words and tips helped her feel confident and at ease during the show.