Actress Pashmina Roshan made her Bollywood debut with Ishq Vishk Rebound this year. Pashmina co-starred with Rohit Saraf, Jibraan Khan, and Naila Grrewal in the film that was released on June 21.
The actress recently opened up about dealing with trolls on social media.
Ishq Vishk Rebound star Pashmina Roshan talks about trolls
During a new interview with Galatta India, Pashmina Roshan was asked if she gets affected by the trolls at times. The actress shared that she has classified them into various categories, the ones who support her, the ones who are “neutral” and offer “constructive criticism”, the ones who are funny, and the ones who are “mean”.
Pashmina expressed that she blocks the trolls from the last category and feels some sort of “satisfaction”.
“I have cried over them. I have gone through those processes. I got out of it quickly; it is just a thought that has always stayed with me. It is like whenever someone sees something good in a person or anything, it is a reflection of what you see in yourself,” she said.
Pashmina elaborates on dealing with trolls
Further elaborating on the same, Pashmina Roshan stressed that the trolls who “spew” hate at her are “probably going through something” in their lives.
Pashmina added that how trolls target the Ishq Vishk Rebound actress has “nothing to do” with her but them. “I have the power to not let you come into my space and affect me,” she added.
The 28-year-old actress, however, expressed how she gets affected by trolls who point out her “insecurity”.
The debutante shared that it takes a lot of time and work to get over those comments and stressed that it is important to keep working on yourself.
Pashmina gets hurt when her family is trolled
Talking about the worst scenario, Pashmina said that she gets hurt when the trolls target her family. The actress added that she hasn’t gotten over such trolling yet while concluding that it still affects her.
Born to Rajesh Roshan, Pashmina Roshan is the cousin of superstar Hrithik Roshan. Ishq Vishk Rebound is the second instalment of the Ishq Vishk franchise.
The original film starred Shahid Kapoor and Amrita Rao and was released in 2003.