Invincible is a great animated superhero series that first started airing on Amazon Prime Video back in 2021. The first season of the show has eight episodes and a special episode also came out earlier this year. The much-awaited second season of the show hit the streaming platform on 3rd November of 2023, and the fourth episode of the season was released on the 24th of the same month. But then, the series went into another hiatus, leaving the audience to wonder when it will be returning.
When will the show return and who will be joining the cast?
Created by Robert Kirkman and based on the comic series of the same name, Invincible luckily has not been abandoned. Kirkman confirmed that the show will indeed be returning to the streaming service soon. The gap between the two parts of the second season of the show will thankfully not be as big as the one between the first and second season of the show. This means that the show will be back with the latter four episodes of the season in 2024.
The much praised cast of the show already consists of names such as Steven Yeun, Sandra Oh, and J.K Simmons. It is also rumored that I Think You Should Leave star Tim Robinson will also be joining the cast for the second part of the second season, which is exciting news for the fans.
What will be the possible plot of the second part?
Robert Kirkman has revealed that the reason that season 2 of the show was split into two parts was because he did not want the show to get lost in the holiday rush as the story picks up more pace. The first part of the season left the audience with quite a cliffhanger as we got to know that Invincible and Omni-man are being hunted by Viltrumites. It’s quite easily understood that the story will pick up from there and will probably also change directions when Mark finally comes back to earth. Which is yet to happen.
The second season is set to air in the first half of 2024, which means people do not have to wait too long. Another great news for the fans is that the series will also get a season 3 after season 2 finally wraps up
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