The highly anticipated film, Animal, is gearing up for its release, generating significant buzz. As the release date draws near, the Animal team hosted an extravagant pre-release event in Hyderabad, graced by a constellation of stars. Notable South celebrities, including Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli, were in attendance. During a candid moment, Ranbir was spotted sharing something on his phone with Mahesh Babu, sparking fan speculation that it might be pictures of Baby Raha.
Did Ranbir Kapoor share photos of his daughter, Raha, with Mahesh Babu?
In a spontaneous moment at the event, Ranbir Kapoor whipped out his phone with an infectious grin, revealing something interesting to Mahesh Babu. The atmosphere buzzed with curiosity as fans speculated it might just be charming pictures of Ranbir and Alia Bhatt's daughter, Raha. With their penchant for sharing their little one's joys, Ranbir and Alia have consistently expressed their delight in showcasing their daughter's adorable moments whenever the chance arises. Take a peek into this delightful instance: