Chidiya Udd is a crime drama series based on true events starring Jackie Shroff, Bhoomika Meena, Sikandar Kher, and Madhur Mittal, among others. The series explores themes of survival, the complexity of human nature, and defiance. The viewers will have the chance to watch the series on OTT platform.
When and where to watch Chidiya Udd?
The series is set to premiere on January 15, 2025, on Amazon MX Player. The streaming platform shared the poster of the series on X and wrote, “yeh chidiya jaaye toh jaaye kahan? dekhiye ‘Chidiya Udd’ streaming 15 Jan for FREE on Amazon MX Player!”
Official Trailer and Plot of Chidyia Udd
The story follows a young woman named Seher, who finds herself caught in a conflict involving criminals. Hailing from Rajasthan, Seher must confront the harsh realities of life in Mumbai. Chidiya Udd explores her struggle to break free from the constraints that bind her while uncovering the stark truths of existence.
Jackie Shroff, who plays the role of Qadir Khan, shared that the world of Chidiya Udd is filled with unexpected twists and turns, where survival is the ultimate goal, and every character is engaged in their own personal struggle. He mentioned that portraying Qadir has been both challenging and rewarding, and he believes the audience will enjoy it.
Bhoomika Meena, who portrays Seher, spoke about her journey in bringing the character to life. She described Seher as a fighter who refuses to give in to the harshness of her environment. Despite the daunting challenges Seher faces in such a relentless world, her strength and determination shine through.
Bhoomika expressed that Chidiya Udd is a powerful story of survival and hopes the audience will connect with Seher’s spirit and the decisions she makes throughout the story.
Cast and Crew of Chidiya Udd
The series, which is based on Aabid Surti’s novel Cages, features Jackie Shroff, Sikandar Kher, Bhoomika Meena, Madhur Mittal, Mayur More, and Mita Vashisht, among others. It is produced by Harman Baweja and Vicky Bahri. Chidiya Udd is directed by Ravi Jadhav.