Kamal Haasan, who is known for hosting the popular TV reality show Bigg Boss Tamil has decided to take a hiatus from the same. Marking a break from his 7-year-long journey, he has confirmed to step away from hosting the 8th season with an official statement due to his movie commitments.
Taking it to his official social media handle, the actor penned the words, “With a heavy heart, I wish to inform you that I will be taking a small break from our journey that began 7 years ago. Due to prior cinematic commitments, I'm unable to host the upcoming season of Bigg Boss Tamil.”
The actor further emphasized his everlasting gratitude towards the people and expressed his privilege to reach everyone’s home. Furthermore, the actor called the show one of the best in Indian reality TV ventures and unveiled how he was able to impart his learnings and learn more as well.
Check the official post here: