Shah Rukh Khan-led Jawan is turning out to be a blockbuster of epic proportions as the film has scored a historic second weekend of Rs 81.00 crore as per early estimates. After clocking Rs 17 crore on 2nd Friday, Jawan jumped to Rs 29.50 crore on 2nd Saturday followed by another jump to Rs 34.50 crore on 2nd Sunday. The 11-day total of the Shah Rukh Khan starrer directed by Atlee stands at Rs 422 crore and has emerged as the fastest Hindi film to enter the Rs 400 crore club. The film is now ready to top the lifetime collection of KGF 2 on Monday.
Jawan targets Gadar 2, Pathaan and Bahubali 2
For those unaware, KGF 2 collected Rs 427 crore in Hindi, and by zooming past the numbers of this Yash film, the SRK starrer will emerge as the fourth biggest film of all time in Hindi after Pathaan (Rs 513 crore), Gadar 2 (Rs 511.50 crore & counting) and Bahubali 2 (Rs 510 crore). The trend to date is fantastic and Jawan is not looking to stop any time soon. The run has just begun for the action entertainer and the next record in line for Jawan will be to top the lifetime collections of Bahubali 2, Pathaan, and Gadar 2 to emerge an all-time grosser in Hindi.
Jawan will be looking to enter the Rs 500 crore club by the 3rd Monday and will be looking to create an all-time record by the end of the third week or early part of the fourth weekend, depending on the hold in collections on the weekdays. The lifetime collections of Jawan in Hindi are expected to be in the North of Rs 530 crore, with also a shot at hitting the Rs 550 crore mark, but all depends on how well it sustains in week four, week five, and week six.
The second weekend number is the second best of all time after Gadar 2 (Rs 88 crore), and with a holiday on Tuesday, it could have the biggest second week under its name.
Jawan Day Wise Box Office Breakdown
Day | NBOC |
Week One | Rs 341 crore |
2nd Friday | Rs 17 crore |
2nd Saturday | Rs 29.50 crore |
2nd Sunday | Rs 34.50 crore |
11-Day Total NBOC | Rs 422 crore |
Meanwhile, the all-language total of Jawan stands at Rs 469.50 crore, as the Atlee directorial, also starring Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi has collected Rs 47.50 crore in Tamil and Telugu dubbed. Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates.