The glitzy glam world of Bollywood welcomed actress Bhumi Pednekar back in 2015 with Dum Laga Ke Haisha. Recently, the actress created soaring hype with her recent venture, Thank You For Coming. Following the release of the Bhumi Pednekar starrer, the star has now opined on her early days in the film industry, recalling how her debut garnered her immense recognition.
She also emphasized on styling, which turns out to be an integral part of the glam world, and called it an ‘expensive process’, further breaking down its basic cost.
Bhumi Pednekar, who was recently seen in Thank You For Coming, calls styling a ‘big thing’
In a recent conversation with Ranveer Allahbadia, Pednekar dove into styling, a crucial component of the acting world and called it an ‘expensive process’. She proceeded to emphasize on how she has hustled in Bollywood over the years, further breaking down the cost of the process.
“Styling is a very big thing, and it’s a very expensive process. If you think about it, your styling will cost around Rs 15k to 20k, the car rental will be around Rs 15k to 20k and hair and makeup another Rs 20k. For a regular person spending Rs 75k to 80k for an event, which is basic, it’s a lot. How can I go to my mother and say do this? I hustled then, and I hustle now for different things,” she shared.
Bhumi Pednekar recalls her stylist didn’t charge anything for two years following the release of Dum Laga Ke Haisha
The actress went into a flashback to recall her initial days in Bollywood and said that the movie made her bag several Best Debut awards. She recalled that she marked her attendance at 15 award functions back then. Elaborating further, she said that her stylist did not charge anything for the first two years and mentioned how she took her friend’s car to award functions and events.
Bhumi Pednekar then proceeded to stress on her work front and said that it took her some time to realize the kind of actor that she is. “I love my craft. I enjoy it a lot,” she said.